Mr. Hakkarainen goes to Helsinki

In Massachusetts, we’ve just completed a special election, characterized by tepid candidates and low voter turnout. Politics used to be something special around here, but we’ve become as dull as Wonder Bread.
Meanwhile, across the pond and to the north, Tuevo Hakkarainen has released a karaoke recording that will be featured at the Gold Cucumber competition in October. (You have to slog through a few translation services to figure out what’s going on. Even then, if the resulting phrases are Gold Cucumber, karaoke, and evil foreboding name, you know that you’re onto something.
In the case that you have doubts, here’s the man himself, singing at an outdoor festival.

And if that wasn’t enough, Hakkarainen missed the opening session of Parliament because of gastroenteritis. News reports referred to him as ” the Lost Teuvo Hakkarainen.”

This post is one of a series about Teuvo Hakkarainen, the True Finns Party MP from Viitasaari. For the record, my grandfather was born in Viitasaari.